Option Description
Allow othersto
usec hat
Whenyou select this option, meetingparticipants can have text
messagingconversations int heparticipant list. Thesec onversationsare
visible to all participants.
Allow othersto
useprivate chat
Whenyou select this option, meetingparticipants can have one-on-one
text messagingc onversationsin the participant list. When you create a
privatetext messagingc onversation,the conversation isn't visible to other
Themeeting's owner can always write, speak and share a webcam. If
someoneother thanthe meeting's owner shares a desktop, that
presentercan changethese options for the other participants.H owever,
thepresenter's changes don't affect the owner.
Optimizes haring
speedfor faster
This optionis availableonly when you're sharingy ourdesktop. When you
select this option, SMARTBridgits oftware capturesthe shared screen
morefrequently so participantssee updatesas quickly as possible.
Meetingparticipants must have fast Internet connections if you want to
uset his option.
Optimizes haring
speedfor lower
This optionis availableonly when you are sharingyour desktop. When you
select this option, SMARTBridgits oftware capturesthe shared screen
less frequentlyto use less bandwidth.Viewers could noticea slight delay
whensc reenchanges occur.
Changingmonitor selectionIf you have multiplemonitors connected to your computerand you're sharingyour desktop, you can
switch the monitors that you sharew ith participants.
gTo switchmonitors
1. Click Switch Monitors.
TheSelect Sharing Monitor dialogboxappears.
2. Select the monitor you want to switch to, andt henclic k OK.
3. Click OK again to save your settings.
Changingaudio settingsYourSMARTBridgit server administratormust enable audiosettings before you can use them. Your
administratoralso controls the defaultoptimization settings.
If audiois enabled,the Audio device settings andAudio notification options are availableto everyone
whohas audio hardware.
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