Any meetingparticipant can changethe languagesett ings.
gTo changethe language
1. Select Menu > Options.
TheOptions dialogbox appears.
2. Click t heLanguages tab.
3. Select the languageyou want to use from the list, and thenclic k OK.
Writing on the shared desktopBy default, all participantsc anuse t hepointer, write in digital ink and erasenotes on the shared
desktop.H owever, theowner and the currentpresenter can changethis s ettingt o preventthe other
participantsfrom writing on the shareddesktop.
If the owneror presenter disablesw riting,t hePen button . and menu items aren't available.
gTo write onthe shared desktopusing a pen
1. Click the Pen button .
2. Click and drag with the mouse.
A line of digital ink appearsover the shareddesktop, and your notes arevis iblet o all the other
participants.Any number of participants can write on the shareddesktop at the same time.
3. Whenyou finish writing, clic k the Mouse Pointer button .
If you’re presentingthe meeting, youc anc learall the notes by clic king the Mouse Pointer
button , and thencl icking anywhereon the shareddesktop.
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