12. If the Password Required dialogbox appears, type the passwordi n theC reationpassword
box, andthen click OK.
Thelobby screen appearsand the meetings tarts. See The SMARTBridgitclient lobby sc reen
onpage 15.
This dialogbox opens only if your server administratorassigned a passwordf orc reating
Sendinginvitationsto participantsOnceyou create a meeting, you can send e-mailinvitations to people you want to have join the
meeting.You can send invitations from the participantlis t in the lobby screenand from a meeting.
gTo send an e-mail invitationfrom the lobby screen
1. Click E-mail Invitation.
TheInvite P articipant dialogbox appears.
2. Select Include passwordi n e-mailif the meeting is password protectedand you want to
includethe password in the e-mail invitation.
3. Click E-mail.
SMARTBridgitsoftw arestarts your default e-mailprogramand creates thee-mail invitation.
4. Type the e-mailaddress of one or moreinvitees, and then send the e-mail.
Youre-mail programsends the invitations. The recipients can joint hemeeting by click ingt he
link in the e-mailinvitation. See Joining a meeting froman e-mail invitation on page 19.
gTo send an e-mail invitationfrom a meeting
1. Select Menu > E-mail Invitation.
TheInvite P articipant dialogbox appears.
2. Follow steps 2 to 4 in the previous procedure.
CH A P T E R 2