Changingviewing options 40
Changinglanguageoptions 41
Writingon the shared desktop 41
Customizing yourpen 42
Erasingon the shareddeskt op 43
Using the screenpointer 44
TheSMART SchedulerOutlook add-in 45
Minimumrequirements 45
Installingt heSMAR TSchedulerOutlookadd-in 45
UpgradingSMART SchedulerOutlook add-in 47
Schedulinga SMARTBridgit meetingin Microsoft Outlook 47
Joininga SMART S chedulermeetingf roman Outlook invitation 50
Youcan use SMARTBridgit software to create a meeting ory oucan use it to attend a meeting
createdby someone else.
The SMARTBridgit client desktopDuringa meeting, the SMARTBridgit client software interfacec onsists of a toolbar anda colored
borderaroundthe shareddesktop:
The SMARTBridgitclient toolbar
Fromthe Menu button ont hetoolbar, you can do the following:
lShareyour desktop or ask to take over sharing.
lSharea regionof your desktop.
lEnableor requestremote control of someoneelse's desktop.
lRaise yourhand to request a meetinginterruptionor lower your handt o stop the request.
lSelect a variety of writing tools and write or drawover the shared desktop.
lChangethe meeting andaudio settings if you're a presenterand are using VoIP.
lChangethe viewing options if you're viewing someone's shareddesktop.
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