gTo shareyour webcam's view
1. Click Show/Hide Video Window .
2. Click Start My Webcam.
TheVideo window opens to show your webcam as it appearsto t heother participants.
Whenyou share your webcam view duringa SMAR TBridgitmeeting the following occurs:
oTheShow/Hide Video W indow appearsin color toindicate that the webcam is
oThewebcam views of other participantsopen below the Video windowin t humbnailsize.
oWhenyou hover the mouse overone of the thumbnail images, a messageappears
showingyou the name of the persons haringthat webcam.
oYoucan move the Video window.
oYoucan resize the Video window.
oYoucan hide the Video window andt henshow it againlater.
oYoucan st ops haringyour webcam at any time.
gTo move the Video window
Click the title bar of the window and move it to its new location.
gTo resize the Video window
Dragthe lower right cornerof t hew indow(Windows operating systems) or any cornerof the window
(Macoperating system software).
gTo hide or show the Video window
Click Show/Hide Video Window .
gTo stop sharingyour webcam
1. Click Show/Hide Video Window .
2. Click Stop My Webcam.
Yourwebcam no longerappears in the Video window. If other participantsare still s haringtheir
webcams, they remainvisible.
CH A P T E R 2