Youcan join a SMARTBridgit meeting in two ways: you can open SMARTBridgit client software and
locatea meeting, or you can respondto an e-mail invitation to join a meeting.
Joininga meeting from SMARTBridgit clientsoftware
Youcan join a meeting by starting SMARTBridgit client software, connectingt o the server,and then
selectinga meeting.
gTo join a meeting from SMARTBridgit client software
1. DownloadS MARTBridgitclient s oftware, andthen save it on your computer. See
DownloadingSMART Bridgit client software on page5.
2. Browseto and double-click the SMARTBridgit icon .
Thesoftw arest arts andconnects to t helast server you used.
If you haven't used SMARTBridgitsoft warebefore or if you want to connect to a different
server,follow t hes teps in the next procedure.
3. Select the meeting you want to join from theMeeting name drop-downlist, and thenenter the
4. If your syst em administratorhas enabledVoIP, s elect Yes orN o underthe Do you want to use
yourcomputer for meetingaudio? heading.
5. Click Join Meeting.
Thelobby screen appears.
gTo changewhich server you're connected to
1. Click the server icon inthe bottom-left cornerof the SMARTBridgit Software dialogbox.
TheServer Information dialogbox appears.
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