Chapter 5
ADAM 4000 Series User’s Manual
4011, 4011D, 4012, 4013, 4015, 4015T, 4016,
4017, 4017+, 4018, 4018+, 4018M, 4019+
Name Read Firmware Version command
Description The command requests the analog input module at address
AA to return the version code of its firmware.
Syntax $AAF (cr)
$ is a delimiter character.
AA (range 00-FF) represents the 2-character hexadecimal
address of the analog input module that you want to
F is the Read Firmware Version command.
(cr) is the terminating character, carriage return (ODh).
Response !AA(Version)(cr) if the command is valid.
There is no response if the module detects a syntax erro r or
communication error, or if the specified address does not
! is a delimiter character indicating a valid command was
AA (range 00-FF) represents the 2-character hexadecimal
address of an analog input module.
(Version) is the version code of the module’s firmware at
address AA.
(cr) is the terminating character, carriage return (ODh).