Digital I/O and Relay Output
Counter/Frequency Command Set
ADAM 4000 Series User’s Manual
Name Read Maximum Counter Value command
Description Read the maximum value of counter 0 or counter 1 for a
specified counter/frequency module.
Syntax $AA3N(cr)
$ is a delimiter character.
AA (range 00-FF) represents the 2-character hexadecimal
address that you will access to.
3 is the Read Maximum Counter Value command.
N determines the counter for which the maximum counter
value is to be set.
N = 0 represents counter 0
N = 1 represents counter 1
(cr) is the terminating character, carriage return (0Dh).
Response !AA(data)(cr) if the command is valid.
?AA(cr) if an invalid operation was entered.
There is no response if the module detects a syntax or
communication error, or even if the specified address does
not exist.
! is a delimiter character which indicates a valid command.
? is a delimiter character which indicates an invalid
command. AA (range 00-FF) represents the 2-character
hexadecimal address of the module.
(data) is the maximum counter value which consists of
eight hexadecimal digitals.
(cr) is the terminating character, carriage return (0Dh).
Example command: $2430(cr)
response: !240000ffff(cr)
The command requests the counter/frequency module at
address 24 for the maximum number of counter 0. The
module replies the maximum count number of channel 0
with 65535 (0000ffff)
4080, 4080D