MegaZoom Concepts and Oscilloscope Op eration
To setup the Horizontal time base
To change the sweep speed for the delayed sweep window, turn the sweep speed
knob. As you turn the knob, the sweep speed is h ighlighted in the status line
above the waveform display area.
The time reference position sets the initial position of the trigger event within
acquisition memory and on the display, with delay set to 0. The delay setting
sets t he sp eci fic l ocat ion of th e tri gger eve nt wi th re spe ct to the time refe renc e
position. The time reference setting affects the delayed sweep as de scribed in
the following ways.
When the horizontal mode is set to Main, the delay positions the main sweep
relative to the trigger. This delay is a fixed number. Changin g this delay value
does not affect the sweep speed. When the hor izontal mode is set to Delayed,
the delay controls the position of the delayed sweep window inside the main
sweep display. This delayed delay value is independent of sampling interval and
sweep speed.
To cha nge the swe ep s pe ed f or t he m ain sw eep win dow, pre ss t he Main soft key,
then turn the sweep speed knob.
For information about using delayed mode for meas urements, refer to the
“Making Measurements” chapter.