Making Measurements
Making voltage measurements automatically
RMS (dc) is the root-mean -square va lue of the wav eform over on e or more full
periods. If less than one period is displayed, RMS (dc) average is calculated on
the full width of the display. The X cursors show what interval of the waveform
is being measured.
The Top of a waveform is the mode (most common value) of the upper part of
the w a v ef o r m , o r i f th e m o d e i s n o t w e l l de f i n e d, t h e to p i s th e s a me a s M a xi m u m .
The Y cursor shows the value being measured .
Using delayed sweep to isolate a pulse for Top measurement
The f oll owi ng f igu re sho ws h ow t o us e de lay ed swe ep t o is ola te a pu lse for a Top
Isolating area for Top measurement
RMS (dc) = Σxi2