Programming Reference
SCPI Instrument Command List
Description Use this command to set/read the pulse-delay. Delay is the time between
the start of the pulse period and the start of the leading-edge of the pulse.
If you want the pulse-delay to remain constant when the pulse period is
varied (rather than the phase-delay) use
Example :PULS:DEL1 500NS Set OUTPUT1 delay to 500 ns
:PHAS2 180 DEG Set OUTPUT 2 phase to 180°
:PULS:DEL1:HOLD TIME Hold OUTPUT 1 delay constant with
varying period
:PULS:DEL2:HOLD PRAT Hold OUTPUT 2 phase constant with
varying period
Command :PULS:DEL[1|2]:HOLD
Long [:SOURce]:PULSe:DELay[1|2]:HOLD
Form Set & Query
Parameter TIME | PRATio
*RST value TIME
Description Use this command to set/read the coupling between the pulse period and
the pulse-delay:
Example :PULS:DEL1 500ns Set OUTPUT 1 delay to 500ns
:PHAS2 180DEG Set OUTPUT 2 phase to 180°
:PULS:DEL1:HOLD TIME Hold OUTPUT 1 delay constant with varying period
:PULS:DEL2:HOLD PRAT Hold OUTPUT 2 phase constant with varying period
TIME The absolute pulse-delay is held fixed when the pulse period is
varied (Pulse phase varies).
PRATio The pulse phase-delay (delay as ratio of period) is held fixed
when the pulse period is varied. (Pulse-delay varies).