Programming Reference
Agilent81130A SCPI Command Summary
:EDELay 60
[:TIMe] <value> Set/read channel delay deskew
:CURRent[1|2] The CURRent and VOLTage subsystem can-
not be used at the same time. Use the :HOLD
command to select between them.
[:AMPLitude] <value> Set/read channel amplitude current
:OFFSet <value> Set/read channel offset current 61
:HIGH <value> Set/read channel high-level current 62
:LOW <value> Set/read channel low-level current 63
:HIGH <value> Set/read maximum current limits 63
:LOW <value> Set/read minimum current limits 64
:STATe ON|OFF|1|0 Enable/Disable the current limits 64
:FREQency <value> Set/read frequency of pulses 65
:AUTO ONCE Do a frequency measurement at CLK IN 66
:HOLD[1|2] VOLT|CURR Switch between VOLTage and CURRent
command subtrees
Command Parameter Description see page