PPP (Point to Point Protocol)
HDLC derivative level 2 link protocol common in LAN to LAN connections.
Private MIB
A proprietary MIB that has variables which are used for probe configuration and control options.
A device on the LAN that monitors all frames and produces network management information including current and historical traffic statistics and snapshots of selected frames. Probes are also known as monitors.
A set of rules that governs data transfer among devices on a network. A protocol identifies the handshake type, frame size and format, timing, error recovery scheme, word size or other characteristics of each transfer, depending on the system.
PVC (Permanent Virtual Circuit)
A virtual circuit which is permanently maintained to reduce network overhead.
RMON MIB (Remote Network Monitoring MIB)
The collection of objects defined by the Internet Engineering Task Force in RFC 1757, RFC 1213, RFC 1157, RFC 2021, RFC 2074,
Supervisory frame (level 2) used to acknowledge or reject frames.
SAM (System Administration Manager)
A configuration tool provided by