Bootp Server Configuration
Bootp Server Setup on a PC
3. Press Return to continue. The following screen is then displayed:
Please specify startup drive to install Bootp on [C:\]:
4.Specify the drive where you want to install the Bootp software and press Return. The default is to install the Bootp software in C:\. The following screen is then displayed:
Install Bootp Software for use with:
0:Microsoft LAN Manager 1.0 or later
1:Novell NetWare v3.1 or later
2:Exit this setup program
Enter choice [0 - 2]:
5.Specify the Network Operating System that you are using and then refer to either “Using Microsoft LAN Manager” below or “Using Novell NetWare” on page 82.
There will be different setup screens displayed depending on the Network Operating System that you are using (Microsoft LAN Manager or Novell NetWare).
Using Microsoft LAN Manager
If you have selected Novell NetWare v3.1 or later, skip to “Using Novell NetWare” on page 82.
If you have selected Microsoft LAN Manager 1.0 or later from the setup menu, use the following procedure to setup your Bootp installation.