LAN (Local Area Network)
LAN cable
A short distance network (up to a few thousand meters) used to connect many network devices using a communication standard. LAN cables come in many types. For example, thick (10 mm) coaxial cable, thin (5 mm) coaxial cable, fiber- optic cable, and
LAP-F (Link Access Procedure, Frame-Relay)
HDLC derivative level 2 link protocol required by Frame Relay.
A level in the hierarchy of telecommunications protocols. Protocols in the higher layers
LCI (Logical Channel Identifier) also called Combined LCN
The combination of the 4 LGCN and 8 LCN bits into a 12 bit virtual circuit identifier field. The range is 0 to 4095
Leased Line
Permanent link in a data communication network provided by a commercial communications supplier.
Leased Line
Permanent connection for private use within a data communication network independent of the public switching and signalling equipment.
T1 and E1 equivalent of DCE. The signal from the Central Office to the User.