AMD Geode™ LX Processors Data Book 253
Graphics Processor 33234H
A over B 1 1-αΑDisplay image A on top of image
B. Wherever image A is transpar-
ent, display image B.
000 10
A in B αB0 Use image B to mask image A.
Wherever image B is non-trans-
parent, display image A.
001 00
B held out by
01-αAUse image A to mask image B.
Wherever image A is transpar-
ent, display image B.
000 01
A stop B αB1-αAUse image B to mask image A.
Display A if both images are non-
transparent, otherwise display B.
A xor B 1-αB1-αADisplay images only where they
do not overlap.
darken A αR0 Multiply RGB channels of image
A by specified value.
(Use enables to apply to RGB.)
010 00
opaque A αR0 Multiply α channel of image A by
a specified value.
(Use enables to apply to alpha.)
010 00
fade A αR0 Multiply all channels of image A
by a specified value.
010 00
fade A
fade B
αR1−αRBlend images A and B using αR to
specify percentage of A and B in
the resulting image.
010 11
A plus B 1 1 Add images A and B. 010 (α = 0) 10
Table 6-27. Alpha Blending Modes (Continued)
Operation Diagram FAFBDescription AS Bits OS Bits