602 AMD Geodeā„¢ LX Processors Data Book
Electrical Specifications
Table 7-5. AMD Geode LX 700@0.8W Processor DC Currents
LX 700@0.8W (433 MHz), No EEPROM or EEPROM, VCORE = 1.20V, TDPT = 3.2W, TDPU = 3.1W (Note 1)
Symbol Parameter Typ Avg Max Unit Comments
ICC3ON - CRT Display Power State:
On (S0/C0)
85 100 mA
ICC3ON - TFT Display 37 45
ICOREON 650 1945
IMEMON - Terminated 145 155 Note 2, Note 3
IMEMON - Unterminated 85 95 Note 3
ICC3IDLE - CRT Display Power State:
Active Idle (S0/C1)
85 mA
ICC3IDLE- TFT Display 37
IMEMIDLE - Terminated 145 Note 2, Note 3
IMEMIDLE - Unterminated 75 Note 3
ICC3SLP - CRT Display Power State:
Sleep (S1)
ICC3SLP - TFT Display 4
IMEMSLP - Terminated 95 Note 2, Note 3
IMEMSLP - Unterminated 30 Note 3
Note 1. The AMD Geode LX 700@0.8W processor operates at 433 MHz. Model numbers reflect performance as described
here: http://www.amd.com/connectivitysolutions/geodelxbenchmark.
T = Terminated and U = Unterminated.
Note 2. Calculations are based on a 32.5/67.5 split between VMEMLX used by the AMD Geode LX processor and series
termination resistors. See Section 7.4.3 on page 599 for more details.
Note 3. VMEM is 2.5V for the LX 700@0.8W processor.