AMD Geode™ LX Processors Data Book 373
Display Controller Register Descriptions 33234H Index State
6.6.20 VGA Graphics Controller Registers
The graphics controller registers are accessed by writing an index value to the Graphics Controller Index register (Index
Address 3CEh) and reading or writing the register using the Graphics Controller Data register (Data Address 3CFh). VGA Graphics Controller Index
Index 26h
Type RO
Reset Value xxh
Attribute Index State Register Bit Descriptions
Bit Name Description
7:6 RSVD Reserved.
5:0 ATT_IN_VA Attribute Index Value. This read only value indicates the value of Attribute Index regis-
ter bits [5:0] (Index 3C0h).
Table 6-56. Graphics Controller Registers Summary
Index Type Register Reset Value Reference
-- R/W VGA Graphics Controller Index xxh Page373
-- R/W VGA Graphics Controller Data xxh Page374
00h R/W VGA Set/Reset xxh Page374
01h R/W VGA Enable Set/Reset xxh Page374
02h R/W VGA Color Compare xxh Page375
03h R/W VGA Data Rotate xxh Page375
04h R/W VGA Read Map Select xxh Page376
05h R/W VGA Graphics Mode xxh Page376
06h R/W VGA Miscellaneous xxh Page377
07h R/W VGA Color Don’t Care xxh Page378
08h R/W VGA Bit Mask xxh Page378
Index Address 3CEh
Type R/W
Reset Value xxh
VGA Graphics Controller Index Register Bit Descriptions
Bit Name Description
7:4 RSVD Reserved.
3:0 INDEX Index.