©2008 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. SMBus Module and ACPI Block (Device 20, Function 0)
AMD SB600 Register Reference Manual Proprietary Page 139 System Reset Register (IO CF9)
Note: Refer to PM IO reg x85 for a detailed description. This register has been designed to be dual-port
accessible. Power Management (PM) Registers
The power management (PM) block is resident in the PCI/LPC/ISA bridge. The PM registers are accessed
via IO mapped registers xCD6h and xCD7h. The index address is first programmed into IO register xCD6h.
Read or write values are accessed through IO register xCD7h.
Register Name Offset Address
MiscControl 00h
MiscStatus 01h
SmiWakeUpEventEnable1 02h
SmiWakeUpEventEnable2 03h
SmiWakeUpEventEnable3 04h
SmiWakeUpEventStatus1 05h
SmiWakeUpEventStatus2 06h
SmiWakeUpEventStatus3 07h
InactiveTmrEventEnable1 08h
InactiveTmrEventEnable2 09h
InactiveTmrEventEnable3 0Ah
PmTmr1InitValue 0Bh
PmTmr1CurValue 0Ch
PwrLedExtEvent 0Dh
PwrLedExtEvent 0Eh
AcpiStatus 0Fh
AcpiEn 10h
S1AgpStpEn 11h
PmTmr2InitValue 12h
PmTmr2CurValue 13h
Programlo0RangeLo 14h
Programlo0RangeHi 15h
ProgramIo1RangeLo 16h
ProgramIo1RangeHi 17h
ProgramIo2RangeLo 18h
ProgramIo2RangeHi 19h
ProgramIo3RangeLo 1Ah
ProgramIo3RangeHi 1Bh
ProgramIoEnable 1Ch
IOMonitorStatus 1Dh
InactiveTmrEventEnable4 1Eh
AcpiPm1EvtBlkLo 20h
AcpiPm1EvtBlkHi 21h
AcpiPm1CntBlkLo 22h
AcpiPm1CntBlkHi 23h
AcpiPmTmrBlkLo 24h
AcpiPmTmrBlkHi 25h
CpuControlLo 26h
CpuControlHi 27h
AcpiGpe0BlkLo 28h
AcpiGpe0BlkHi 29h
AcpiSmiCmdLo 2Ah
AcpiSmiCmdHi 2Bh