©2008 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. SATA Registers (Device 18, Function 0)
AMD SB600 Register Reference Manual Proprietary Page 23 PHY Port3 Control - RW- 32 bits - [PCI_Reg:94h] Field Name Bits Default Description
Port3 PHY 23:0 B40014h PHY port3 fine-tune register.
TX main swing 4:0 10100b Port3 Tx driving swing[4:0] is valid at SATA 1.5G.
Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 Nominal Output
1 0 0 0 0 400mv
1 0 0 1 0 450mv
1 0 1 0 0 500mv
1 0 1 1 0 550mv
1 1 0 0 0 600mv
1 1 0 1 0 650mv
1 1 1 0 0 700mv
1 1 1 1 0 750mv
Note: This applies to all the ASIC Revisions A11 and above.
TX pre-emphasis driver
7:5 000b Port3 Tx driving swing[7:5] is valid for both SATA 3G and
1.5G. It sets the TX pre-emphasis driver strength. The user
can program the optimum pre-emphasis value for each SATA
port if TX pre-emphasis enable bit turned on.
Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 pre-emphasis amount
0 0 0 0mv
0 0 1 25mv
0 1 0 50mv
0 1 1 75mv
1 0 0 100mv
1 0 1 125mv
1 1 0 150mv
1 1 1 175mv
Note: This applies to all the ASIC Revisions A11 and above.
TX pre-emphasis enable 13 0b Turns on port3 TX pre-emphasis output
1: Enable pre-emphasis
0: Disable pre-emphasis
BIST Pattern Count - RW - 32 bits - [PCI_Reg:C0h] Field Name Bits Default Description
BIST Pattern Count 31:0 0000_20
This count specifies how many Octal WORD pattern need to
be checked before BIST Done bit be set. This count value is
used fro all the 4 ports. 400h default value would be used for
tester, which means 32K DWORD pattern would be compared
for BIST test. Value of “0000_0000”h means the maximum
patterns (16,000, 000, 000) checked.
PCI Target Control TimeOut Counter - RW – 8 bits - [PCI_Reg:C4h] Field Name Bits Default Description
PCI Target Control
TimeOut Count
7:0 80h This register is used for programming the PCI Target Control
TimeOut Count used to clear any stale target commands to
the hosts controller. Granularity is 15.5us (Count * 15.5 us)
The counter will be disabled if the count is programmed to 0x0.