©2008 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. SATA Registers (Device 18, Function 0)
AMD SB600 Register Reference Manual Proprietary Page 27 HBA Capabilities – R - 32bits [Mem_reg: ABAR + 00h] Field Name Bits Default Description
Supports Port Multiplier
17 1b Indicates whether the HBA can support a Port Multiplier.
When set, a Port Multiplier using command-based switching
is supported. When cleared to ‘0’, a Port Multiplier is not
supported, and a Port Multiplier may not be attached to this
Supports AHCI mode
only (SAM)
18 0b The SATA controller may optionally support AHCI access
mechanisms only. A value of '0' indicates that in addition to
the native AHCI mechanism (via ABAR), the SATA controller
implements a legacy, task-file based register interface such
as SFF-8038i. A value of '1' indicates that the SATA
controller does not implement a legacy, task-file based
register interface.
Supports Non-Zero DMA
Offsets (SNZO)
19 0b When set to ‘1’, indicates that the HBA can support non-zero
DMA offsets for DMA Setup FISes. This bit is reserved for
future AHCI enhancements. AHCI 1.0 and 1.1 HBAs shall
have this bit cleared to ‘0’.
Interface Speed Support
23:20 2h
Indicates the maximum speed the HBA can support on its
ports. These encodings match the system software
programmable PxSCTL.DET.SPD field. Values are:
Bits Definition
0000 Reserved
0001 Gen 1 (1.5 Gbps)
0010 Gen 1 (1.5 Gbps) and Gen 2 (3
0011 - 1111 Reserved
Supports Command List
Override (SCLO)
24 1b When set to ‘1’, the HBA supports the PxCMD.CLO bit and its
associated function. When cleared to ‘0’, the HBA is not
capable of clearing the BSY and DRQ bits in the Status
register in order to issue a software reset if these bits are still
set from a previous operation.
Supports Activity LED
25 1b When set to ‘1’, the HBA supports a single activity indication
output pin. This pin can be connected to an LED on the
platform to indicate device activity on any drive. When
cleared to ‘0’, this function is not supported.
Supports Aggressive
Link Power Management
26 1b When set to ‘1’, the HBA can support auto-generating link
requests to the Partial or Slumber states when there are no
commands to process. When cleared to ‘0’, this function is
not supported and software shall treat the PxCMD.ALPE and
PxCMD.ASP bits as reserved.
Supports Staggered
Spin-up (SSS)
27 0b When set to ‘1’, the HBA supports staggered spin-up on its
ports, for use in balancing power spikes. When cleared to ‘0’,
this function is not supported. This value is loaded by the
BIOS prior to OS initialization.
Supports Mechanical
Presence Switch (SMPS)
28 1b When set to ‘1’, the HBA supports mechanical presence
switches on its ports for use in hot plug operations. When
cleared to ‘0’, this function is not supported. This value is
loaded by the BIOS prior to OS initialization.
Supports SNotification
Register (SSNTF)
29 1b
When set to ‘1’, the HBA supports the PxSNTF
(SNotification) register and its associated functionality. When cleared to ‘0’, the HBA does not support the PxSNTF (SNotification) register and its associated functionality.