©2008 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. AC ’97 Controller Functional Descriptions
AMD SB600 Register Reference Manual Proprietary Page 216
Subsystem ID & Subsystem Vendor ID - W/R - 32 bits - [PCI_Reg: 2Ch]
Field Name Bits Default Description
Subsystem Vendor ID 15:0 0000h Subsystem Vendor ID.
Subsystem ID 31:16 0000h Subsystem ID.
This 4-byte register is a write-once & read-only afterward register. The BIOS writes to this register once (all 4 bytes
at once) & software reads its value when needed.
Capabilities Pointer - R - 8 bits - [PCI_Reg: 34h]
Field Name Bits Default Description
Capabilities Pointer 7:0 40h Read only. Indicates that the device has New Capabilities
register set starting at address 40h.
Interrupt Line - RW - 8 bits - [PCI_Reg: 3Ch]
Field Name Bits Default Description
Interrupt Line 7:0 00h Identifies which input on the interrupt controller the
function’s PCI interrupt request pin (as specified in its
Interrupt Pin register) is routed to.
Interrupt Pin - R - 8 bits - [PCI_Reg: 3Dh]
Field Name Bits Default Description
Interrupt Pin 7:0 02h Hard-wired to 2 to indicate that this function (modem
controller) uses interrupt pin INTB# on PCI bus.
Min_Gnt - R - 8 bits - [PCI_Reg: 3Eh]
Field Name Bits Default Description
Min_Gnt 7:0 02h The value hardwired into this register indicates how long the
bus master would like to retain PCI bus ownership.
Min_Gnt - R - 8 bits - [PCI_Reg: 3Fh]
Field Name Bits Default Description
Max_Lat 7:0 00h This read-only register specifies how often the device needs
access to the PCI bus (in increments of 250ns).
MSI Capability Register Set IDs- R – 16 bits - [PCI_Reg: 40h]
Field Name Bits Default Description
Capability ID 7:0 05h Read only. 05h indicates it is an MSI capabil ity register set.
Pointer to Next ID 15:8 00h Read only. 00h indicates there is no additional register set.
MSI Message Control Register- RW - 16 bits - [PCI_Reg: 42h]
Field Name Bits Default Description
MSI Enable 0 0b 0 - Function Is disabled from using MSI.
1 - Function is enabled to use MSI.
Multiple Message
3:1 0b Hardwired to 0 to indicate the device would like 1 message
allocated to it.