©2008 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. SMBus Module and ACPI Block (Device 20, Function 0)
AMD SB600 Register Reference Manual Proprietary Page 144
PmTmr1CurValue - R – 8 bits - [PM_Reg: 0Ch]
Field Name Bits Default Description
PmTmr1CurValue 5:0 - Current value of decrementing counter
Reserved 7:6 00b
PwrLedExtEvent - RW – 8 bits - [PM_Reg: 0Dh]
Field Name Bits Default Description
ExtEvent0State 0 - Logical value of EXTEVENT0. [Read-only]
ExtEvent1State 1 - Logical value of EXTEVENT1. [Read-only]
ExtEvent0RF 2 0b Set to one to configure EXTEVENT0 as rising edge sensitive.
0 as falling edge sensitive
ExtEvent1RF 3 0b Set to one to configure EXTEVENT1 as rising edge sensitive.
0 as falling edge sensitive
Reserved 7:4 0100b
PwrLedExtEvent register.
AcpiControl - RW – 8 bits - [PM_Reg: 0Eh]
Field Name Bits Default Description
AcpiSmiEn 0 0b Set to 1 to enable SMI# generation when ACPI driver writes
one to GBL_RLS (bit [2] of AcpiPm1CntBlk:00h). When an
SMI# is issued, the SB updates bit [0] of the AcpiStatus
BIOS_RLS 1 0b Writing 1 to this bit will cause GblStatus to be set. This bit is
always read back as 0.
SmiCmdEn 2 0b Set to 1 to enable SMI# generation when ACPI driver writes
to the SmiCmd port. When set to 1, SB will update bit 2 of
MiscStatus and issue an SMI# on write to SmiCmd port.
AcpiDecodeEnable 3 0b Set to 1 to enable SB to decode the ACPI I/O address space.
When set, SB uses the contents of the PM registers at index
20-2B to decode ACPI I/O address.
VRT_SMI_En 4 0b Set to 1 to enable SB to generate SMI# upon (RTC) VRT low.
Reserved 5 0b
RtcClkPUB 6 0b This bit controls the integrated pull-up for RTCCLK
0: Enable
1: Disable
BG1RESDIV0_SEL 7 0b This bit controls the CPU receiver Vref
0: Vref = Vcpu / 2 (recommended setting for P4 CPU)
1: Vref = Vbandgap / 2 = 0.6v (recommended setting for K8
AcpiControl register.
AcpiStatus- R – 8 bits - PM_Reg: 0Fh]
Field Name Bits Default Description
AcpiSmiStatus 0 - Set to 1 by SB to indicate SMI# was due to write to Acpi
power management register.
SerrSmiStatus 1 - SMI# due to SERR#
SmiCmdStatus 2 - Set to one by SB to indicate SMI# was due to write to
AcpiSmiCmd port.
SmSmiStatus 3 - SmBus SMI# status
UsbSmiStatus 4 - USB SMI# status
SerSmiStatus 5 - Serial SMI# status
RtcAvailable 6 - 1: Rtc clock running
0: Bad Rtc clock. RTC battery may not be present
NbThermStatus 7 - NB thermal event status