©2008 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. SATA Registers (Device 18, Function 0)
AMD SB600 Register Reference Manual Proprietary Page 33 Port–N Interrupt Status - RW - 32 bits [Mem_reg: ABAR + port offset + 10h] Field Name Bits Default Description
Host Bus Data Error
Status (HBDS)
28 0b Indicates that the HBA encountered a data error
(uncorrectable ECC / parity) when reading from or writing to
system memory.
Host Bus Fatal Error
Status (HBFS)
29 0b Indicates that the HBA encountered a host bus error that it
cannot recover from, such as a bad software pointer. In PCI,
such an indication would be a target or master abort.
Task File Error Status
30 0b This bit is set whenever the status register is updated by the
device and the error bit (bit 0) is set.
Cold Port Detect Status
31 0b When set, a device status has changed as detected by the
cold presence detect logic. This bit can either be set due to a
non-connected port receiving a device, or a connected port
having its device removed. This bit is only valid if the port
supports cold presence detect as indicated by PxCMD.CPD
set to ‘1’.
Write 1 to clear these status bits.
Port-N Interrupt Enable - RW -32 bits [Mem_reg: ABAR + port offset + 14h] Field Name Bits Default Description
Device to Host Register
FIS Interrupt Enable
0 0b When set, GHC.IE is set, and P0IS.DHRS is set, the HBA
shall generate an interrupt.
PIO Setup FIS Interrupt
Enable (PSE)
1 0b When set, GHC.IE is set, and P0IS.PSS is set, the HBA shall
generate an interrupt.
DMA Setup FIS Interrupt
Enable (DSE)
2 0b When set, GHC.IE is set, and P0IS.DSS is set, the HBA shall
generate an interrupt.
Set Device Bits FIS
Interrupt Enable (SDBE)
3 0b When set, GHC.IE is set, and P0IS.SDBS is set, the HBA
shall generate an interrupt.
Unknown FIS Interrupt
Enable (UFE)
4 0b When set, GHC.IE is set, and P0IS.UFS is set to ‘1’, the HBA
shall generate an interrupt.
Descriptor Processed
Interrupt Enable (DPE)
5 0b When set, GHC.IE is set, and P0IS.DPS is set, the HBA shall
generate an interrupt.
Port Change Interrupt
Enable (PCE)
6 0b When set, GHC.IE is set, and P0IS.PCS is set, the HBA shall
generate an interrupt.
Device Mechanical
Presence Enable
7 0b
When set, and GHC.IE is set to ‘1’, and P0IS.DMPS is set,
the HBA shall generate an interrupt.
For systems that do not support a mechanical presence
switch, this bit shall be a read-only ‘0’.
Reserved 21:8 Reserved
PhyRdy Change Interrupt
Enable (PRCE)
22 0b When set to ‘1’, and GHC.IE is set to ‘1’, and P0IS.PRCS is
set to ‘1’, the HBA shall generate an interrupt.
Incorrect Port Multiplier
Enable (IPME)
23 0b When set, and GHC.IE and P0IS.IPMS are set, the HBA shall
generate an interrupt.
Overflow Enable (OFE) 24 0b When set, and GHC.IE and P0IS.OFS are set, the HBA shall
generate an interrupt.
Reserved 25 Reserved
Interface Non-fatal Error
Enable (INFE)
26 0b When set, GHC.IE is set, and P0IS.INFS is set, the HBA shall
generate an interrupt.
Interface Fatal Error
Enable (IFE)
27 0b When set, GHC.IE is set, and P0IS.IFS is set, the HBA shall
generate an interrupt.
Host Bus Data Error
Enable (HBDE)
28 0b When set, GHC.IE is set, and P0IS.HBDS is set, the HBA
shall generate an interrupt.
Host Bus Fatal Error
Enable (HBFE)
29 0b When set, GHC.IE is set, and P0IS.HBFS is set, the HBA
shall generate an interrupt.
Task File Error Enable
30 0b When set, GHC.IE is set, and P0S.TFES is set, the HBA shall
generate an interrupt.