©2008 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. SMBus Module and ACPI Block (Device 20, Function 0)
AMD SB600 Register Reference Manual Proprietary Page 169
LdtAgpTimeCntl – RW – 8 bits – [PM_Reg:8Ah]
Field Name Bits Default Description
LdtAgpTimeCntl register for ACPI C state in the K8 system.
StutterTime – RW – 8 bits – [PM_Reg:8Bh]
Field Name Bits Default Description
StutterTime 7:0 00h LDTSTP# duration in 1us increment
StutterTime register for ACPI C state in the K8 system.
StpClkDlyTime – RW – 8 bits – [PM_Reg:8Ch]
Field Name Bits Default Description
StpClkDlyTime 7:0 00h STPCLK# deassertion delay in number of OSC clocks for S1
resume in K8 system.
StpClkDlyTime register for ACPI S state
MiscEnable8D – RW – 8 bits – [PM_Reg:8Dh]
Field Name Bits Default Description
PmeMsgEn 0 0b Set to 1 to enable PmeTurnOff/PmeMsgAck handshake
SlpS2En 1 0b Set to 1 to enable GPM9 as SLP_S2 output
AzRstEn 2 0b Set to 1 to enable GPM8 as AZ_RST# output
DprStpEn 3 0b Set to 1 to enable DPRSTP# output
Ac97PciClkEnB 4 0b Clear to 0 to enable gating of the ac97 internal clock
LongReset 5 0b Set to 1 will cause all reset to be 6ms longer
EffMaskEn 6 0b (Set to 1 for the P4 system and leave it 0 for K8 system).
On the P4 platform, right after the SB exits from the C state,
the LVL read will have no effect until the previous break event
has been cleared. Setting the bit will prevent the SB from
sending the STPCLK# message to the NB during such time.
On the K8 platform the bit has no meaning and must be 0.
Reserved 7 0b
AbPmeCntl register
FakeAsr– RW – 8 bits – [PM_Reg:8Eh]
Field Name Bits Default Description
FakeAsr 7:0 00h Fake alternate status
FakeAsr register
FakeAsrEn– RW – 8 bits – [PM_Reg:8Fh]
Field Name Bits Default Description
FakeAsrEn 0 0b FakeAsr enable. If set, SB will return a fake status (defined in
PMIO_8Eh) when IDE DMA is actively busy and software tries
to read the status from the IDE device
UseBypassRom 1 0b When this bit is set, it will override the ROM straps and use
bits 3:2 of this register to determine which type of ROM to use.
This is for BIOS debugging purpose or for if system desires to
have multiple BIOS on board
BypassRomSel 3:2 00b These two bits will override the two ROM strap pins.
00 – LPC ROM
10 – FWH ROM
11 – SPI ROM
01 – PCI ROM (not used after A13)
BmReqPopUpEn 4 0b When set (along with C state PopUp enabled), BmReq# input
will not cause BM_STS to be set; instead, it will simply act just
like AllowLdtStop and cause the C state machine to pop-up to
C2. This bit is only valid under K8 CPU configuration.