©2008 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. SMBus Module and ACPI Block (Device 20, Function 0)
AMD SB600 Register Reference Manual Proprietary Page 156
AD23_Pull_UpB - RW – 8 bits - [PM_Reg: 41h]
Field Name Bits Default Description
AD23_Pull_UpB 0 0b This bit controls integrated pull-up for AD[23].
0: Enable
1: Disable
Reserved 7:1 0000_000b
AD23_Pull_UpB register.
MiscPmControl - RW – 8 bits - [PM_Reg: 42h]
Field Name Bits Default Description
0 0b When set, the integrated pull-down drive strength of all CPU
IOs are increased by 50%
DisableBootFailCpuRst 1 0b This bit can be used to disable the boot fail timer to generate
C2ToC3Enable 2 0b When set, SB will treat C2 as C3 under K8 mode
RstCpuPGEnable 3 0b If this bit is set to 1, SB toggles CPUPG on every reset
Reserved 6:4 000b
SSEnable 7 0b Enables the spread spectrum PLL
PM_Enable - RW – 8 bits - [PM_Reg: 50h]
Field Name Bits Default Description
C3_DPRSLP_EN 0 0b When set, reading LVL3 register will cause “deeper” sleep for
Intel® mobile P4. This is equivalent to LVL4 read.
CPU_STP_EN_S2 1 0b When set, CPU_STP# will be asserted in S2
CPU_STP_EN_S3 2 0b When set, CPU_STP# will be asserted in S3
CPU_STP_EN_S5 3 0b When set, CPU_STP# will be asserted in S5
AGP_STP_EN 4 0b When set, AGP_STP# message will be enabled.
PCI_STP_EN_S2 5 0b When set, PCI_STP# will be asserted in S2
PCI_STP_EN_S3 6 0b When set, PCI_STP# will be asserted in S3
PCI_STP_EN_S5 7 0b When set, PCI_STP# will be asserted in S5
PM_Enable register
TPRESET1 - RW – 8 bits - [PM_Reg: 51h]
Field Name Bits Default Description
TPRESET1 5:0 00h Timing parameter used for C states in P4 system. This
register defines the wakeup latency in 8µs increment with 8us
(available after A13)
6 0b Setting this bit to 1 will keep BM_STS read as 0, unless the
BM_STS is caused by USB OHCI and UsbOhciBmStsRdEn
is set to 1.
(available after A12)
7 0b Use this bit to select STPCLK# hold time with respect to
0: 200ns
1: 3.9us
TPRESET1 register
TPRESET2 - RW – 8 bits - [PM_Reg: 52h]
Field Name Bits Default Description
TPRESET2 5:0 00h Timing parameter used for S* -> S0 state transitions. This
register determines the CPU_STP# deassertion delay in 8µs
increment with 8us uncertainty.
Reserved 6 0b