©2008 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. SMBus Module and ACPI Block (Device 20, Function 0)
AMD SB600 Register Reference Manual Proprietary Page 157
TPRESET2 - RW – 8 bits - [PM_Reg: 52h]
Field Name Bits Default Description
(Applicable to ASIC
revision A21 and above)
7 0b Setting this bit to 1 will cause the pop-up request from the
NB, or from inside of the SB, to be captured and held until the
minimum LDTSTP# assertion time has expired.
TPRESET2 register
TESTENABLE - RW – 8 bits - [PM_Reg: 53h]
Field Name Bits Default Description
T32_64 0 0b Timing parameter used for C3 state in P4 system.
If set, the time from the reception of STOP_GNT# to SLP#
will be ~128 A-Link clocks. When it is cleared, the timing will
be ~64 A-Link clocks. Timing for CPU_STP#/PCI_STP# is
controlled similarly, except the value is 192 or 96 A-Link
clocks respectively when the bit is set or cleared.
Reserved 2:1 00b
SMI_Disable 3 0b When set, SMI# generation will be disabled
Sel_wakeclk 4 0b Test feature: set 1 to use OSC as the wake up clock;
otherwise, use RTC CLK as the wake up clock
Reserved 7:5 000b
PWRBTTN_CLR - RW – 8 bits - [PM_Reg: 54h]
Field Name Bits Default Description
TFATAL_CLR 0 0b Write 1 to clear the TFATAL status bit
PWRBTTN_CLR 1 0b Write 1 to clear the Power Button status bit
status bit
Reserved 7:3 0000_0b
PWRBTTN_CLR register
SoftPciRst – RW – 8 bits – [PM_Reg:55h]
Field Name Bits Default Description
SoftPciRstEn 0 1b This bit enables both the soft PCIRST and the THRMTRIP
Gate_HpetIrq 1 0b Set to 1 to let HPET enable bit to control IRQ output
UserResetEnable 2 1b When set, GPM7 becomes user reset pin.
(Applicable to ASIC
revision A21 and above)
3 0b Setting this bit to 1 will cause PCIeHotPlug PCIePme and
WakeAsGevent status to not be set by corresponding events
as required by PCIe native mode.
(Applicable to ASIC
revision A21 and above)
4 0b Setting this bit will cause PCIEXP_WAKE_STS and
PCIEXP_WAKE_DIS to not be visible as required by WinXP.
(Applicable to ASIC
revision A21 and above)
5 0b Setting this bit will cause PCIEXP_WAKE_STS to not
generate SCI.
SoftPciRst 6 0b Setting bit 6 will cause a PCIRST.
HideHpetBar 7 0b Set to1 to make Bar1 in SM configuration space invisible (can
Not write and always read 0)
SoftPciRst register
Reserved – 8 bits - [PM_Reg: 56h]
Field Name Bits Default Description
Reserved 7:0 00h