©2008 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. SATA Registers (Device 18, Function 0)
AMD SB600 Register Reference Manual Proprietary Page 38 Port-N Task Fike Data – R – 32 bits [Mem_reg: ABAR + port offset + 20h]
Field Name Bits Default Description
Status (STS) 7:0 7Fh Contains the latest copy of the task file status register. Fields
of note in this register that affect AHCI hardware operation
Bit Field Definition
7 BSY Indicates the interface is busy
6:4 cs Command specific
3 DRQ Indicates a data transfer is requested
2:1 cs Command specific
0 ERR Indicates an error during the transfer.
ERROR 15:8 00h Contains the latest copy of the task file error register.
Reserved 31:16 Reserved
Port-N Signature – R – 32 bits [Mem_reg: ABAR + port offset + 24h]
Field Name Bits Default Description
Signature (SIG) 31:0 FFFFFFFFh Contains the signature received from a device on the first
D2H Register FIS. The bit order is as follows:
Bit Field
31:24 LBA High Register
23:16 LBA Mid Register
15:08 LBA Low Register
07:00 Sector Count Register
It is updated once after a reset sequence.
Port-N Serial ATA Status – R – 32 bits [Mem_reg: ABAR + port offset + 28h]
Field Name Bits Default Description
Device Detection (DET) 3:0 0h Indicates the interface device detection and Phy state.
0h No device detected and Phy communication not
1h Device presence detected but Phy communication
not established
3h Device presence detected and Phy communication
4h Phy in offline mode as a result of the interface
being disabled or running in a BIST loopback mode
All other values reserved. Read Only
Current Interface Speed
7:4 0h
Indicates the negotiated interface communication speed.
0h Device not present or communication not
1h Generation 1 communication rate negotiated
2h Generation 2 communication rate negotiated
All other values reserved. Read Only