Field Name Bits Default Description
Prefetch Enable For
Upstream Read Line
and Read Multiple
7 1h 0: Prefetch is disabled for upstream memory read line and
memory read multiple.
1: Prefetch is enabled for upstream memory read line and
memory read multiple.
Also refer to reg0x40[4] and reg0x64[21].
PCI5 Enable 8 0h Setting this bit will enable PCIGNT5#/PCIREQ5# and
Note: These three pins are all using this single configuration
bit to enable them into PCI functionality. Care should
therefore be taken to ensure that they are used as intended.
Since PCICLK7 is not programmed as PCICLK by default,
the BIOS needs exercise a certain sequence in order to
make the clock valid. For more information consult the AMD
SB600 Register Programming Requirements guide.
Arbiter 2 Enable 9 0h Enables the use of the new PCI bus arbiter to replace the
old arbiter.
Hold Current Grant 10 0h When set, PCIGNT# will not be deasserted until the
requesting agent deasserts its PCIREQ#. This only applies
to the new PCI bus arbiter
Single Cycle Prefetch
11 1h If a prefetch read cycle comes from SPCI bus, prefetching
may not be necessary if the cycle is single data phase. PCIB
can optionally treat the single cycle as non-prefetch and only
asks for one dword from AB.
1—Turn on the ability to treat single data phase cycle as
non-prefetch cycle.
0—Turn off the ability to treat single data phase cycle as
non-prefetch cycle.
Fast Grant Deassert En 12 0b This control bit applies only to the old (default) PCI arbiter.
Normally PCIGNT# is deasserted two clocks after PCIREQ#
deasserts. With this bit set, PCIGNT# will deassert 1 clock
after PCIREQ# deasserts. Recommendation is to have this
bit set.
Reserved 20:13 0h
Prefetch Disable for
Upstream Mem Read
21 0h In A11~A13: Reserved.
In A21 and later versions:
0: Prefetch is enabled for upstream normal memory read
(other than read line or read multiple). However, if
reg0x64[7]=0, then this prefetch is still disabled.
1: Prefetch is disabled for upstream normal memory read
(other than read line or read multiple).
Also refer to reg0x40[4] and reg0x64[7].
Reserved 31:22 0h