©2008 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. SATA Registers (Device 18, Function 0)
AMD SB600 Register Reference Manual Proprietary Page 31 Port Registers (One Set Per Port)
The algorithm for the software to determine the offset is as follows:
• Port offset = 100h + (PI Asserted Bit Position * 80h)
Register Name Offset Address
Port-N Command List Base Address(PNCLB) 00h-03h + Port offset
Port-N Command List Base Address Upper 32-
Bits(PNCLBU) 04h-07h + Port offset
Port-N FIS Base Address(PNFB) 08h-0Bh + Port offset
Port-N FIS Base Address Upper 32-Bits(PNFBU) 0Ch-0Fh + Port offset
Port-N Interrupt Status(PNIS) 10h-13h + Port offset
Port-N Interrupt Enable(PNIE) 14h-17h + Port offset
Port-N Command and Status(PNCMD) 18h-1Bh + Port offset
Reserved 1Ch-1Fh + Port offset
Port-N Task File Data(PNTFD) 20h-23h + Port offset
Port-N Signature(PNSIG) 24h-27h + Port offset
Port-N Serial ATA Status (PNSSTS) 28h-2Bh + Port offset
Port-N Serial ATA Control (PNSCTL) 2Ch-2F h + Port offset
Port-N Serial ATA Error (PNSERR) 30h-33h + Port offset
Port-N Serial ATA Active (PNSACT) 34h-37h + Port offset
Port-N Command Issue(PNCI) 38h-3Bh + Port offset
Port-N SNotification (PNSNTF) 3Ch-3Fh + Port offset
Reserved for FIS-based Switching Definition 40h-43h + Port offset
Reserved 44h-6Fh + Port offset
Port-N Vendor Specific(PNVS) 70h-7Fh + Port offset
*N is the port number, 0 ~ 3
Port-N Command List Base Address -RW -32 bits [Mem_reg: ABAR + port offset + 00h]
Field Name Bits Default Description
Reserved 9:0 Reserved.
Command List Base
Address (CLB)
31:10 000000h Indicates the 32-bit base physical address for the command
list for this port. This base is used when fetching commands
to execute. The structure pointed to by this address range is
1K-bytes in length. This address must be 1K-byte aligned as
indicated by bits 09:00 being read only.
Port-N Command List Base Upper Address -RW - 32 bits [Mem_reg: ABAR + port offset + 04h]
Field Name Bits Default Description
Command List Base
Address Upper (CLBU)
31:0 00000000h
Indicates the upper 32-bits for the command list base
physical address for this port. This base is used when
fetching commands to execute.
This register shall be read only ‘0’ for HBAs that do not
support 64-bit addressing.
Port–N FIS Base Address -RW -32 bits [Mem_reg: ABAR + port offset + 08h]
Field Name Bits Default Description
Reserved 7:0 Reserved.
FIS Base Address (FB) 31:8 000000h Indicates the 32-bit base physical address for received FISes.
The structure pointed to by this address range is 256 bytes in
length. This address must be 256-byte aligned as indicated
by bits 07:00 being read only.