©2008 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. OCHI USB 1.1 and EHCI USB 2.0 Controllers
AMD SB600 Register Reference Manual Proprietary Page 73
Miscellaneous – RW - 32 bits - [PCI_Reg : 0Ch]
Field Name Bits Default Description
Header Type 23:16 00h This field identifies the layout of the second part of the
predefined header (beginning at byte 10h in Configuration
Space) and also whether or not the device contains multiple
EHCI has single function and bit[23:16] hard-wired to 00h.
Read Only.
BIST 31:24 00h Hard-wired to 00h, indicating no build-in BIST support.
BAR_EHCI – RW - 32 bits - [PCI_Reg : 10h]
Field Name Bits Default Description
IND 0 0b Indicator. A constant value of ‘0’ indicates that the
operational registers of the device are mapped into memory
space of the main memory of the PC host system.
Read Only.
TP 2:1 0h Type. A constant value of ‘00b’ indic ates that the base
register is 32-bit wide and can be placed anywhere in the
32-bit memory space; i.e., lower 4 GB of the main memory
of the PC host.
Read Only.
PM 3 0b Prefetch Memory. A constant value of ‘0’ indicates that
there is no support for “prefetchable memory”.
Read Only.
Reserved 7:4 0h Read Only.
BA 31:8 0h Base Addr ess. Corresponds to memory address signals
BAR register. Base address used for the memory mapped capability and operational registers.
Subsystem ID / Subsystem Vendor ID – RW - 32 bits - [PCI_Reg : 2Ch]
Field Name Bits Default Description
Subsystem Vendor ID 15:0 0000h Can onl y be written once by software.
Subsystem ID 31:16 0h Can only be written once by software.
Capability Pointer – R - 8 bits - [PCI_Reg : 34h]
Field Name Bits Default Description
Capability Pointer 7:0 C0h
Address of the 1st element of capability link.