©2008 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. Host PCI Bridge Registers (Device 20, Function 4)
AMD SB600 Register Reference Manual Proprietary Page 269
Secondary Status- RW - 16 bits - [PCI_Reg: 1Eh]
Field Name Bits Default Description
Received Secondary
Target Abort
12 0b Received Target Abort on the secondary bus, write clears it.
Received Secondary
Master Abort
13 0b Received Master Abort on the secondary bus, write clears it.
Received Serr 14 0b Received System Error on the secondary bus, PCIB asserts
P_SERR# to propagate the error back to the primary bus,
write clears it.
Data Parity Error 15 0b Detected Parity Error on the secondary bus, PCIB detected
a parity error and will assert S_PERR#, write clears it.
Secondary status register
Memory Base- RW - 16 bits - [PCI_Reg: 20h]
Field Name Bits Default Description
Reserved 3:0 0h Indicates a non-prefetchable 32-bit memory space. Read
Non Pref Mem Base 15:4 000h Defines the highest 12 bits ([31:20]) of the base address of
this 32-bit memory space.
Memory base register
Memory Limit- RW - 16 bits - [PCI_Reg: 22h]
Field Name Bits Default Description
Reserved 3:0 0h Indicates a non-prefetchable 32-bit memory space. Read
Non Pref Mem Limit 15:4 000h Defines the highest 12 bits ([31:20]) of the upper limit of this
32-bit memory space.
Memory limit register
Prefetchable Memory Base- RW - 16 bits - [PCI_Reg: 24h]
Field Name Bits Default Description
Reserved 3:0 0h Indicates a 32-bit only +memory space. Read Only
Pref Mem Base 15:4 000h Defines the highest 12 bits ([31:20]) of the base address of
this 32-bit memory space.
Prefetchable memory base register
Prefetchable Memory Limit- RW - 16 bits - [PCI_Reg: 26h]
Field Name Bits Default Description
Reserved 3:0 0h Indicates a 32-bit only memory space. Read Only.
Perf Mem Limit 15:4 000h Defines the highest 12 bits ([31:20]) of the upper limit of this
32-bit memory space.
Prefetchable memory limit register
IO Base Upper 16 Bits- RW - 16 bits - [PCI_Reg: 30h]
Field Name Bits Default Description
IOBase Upper 15:0 0000h Top 16 bits of the base address of 32-bit IO transactions.
If the IO address decode mode bit (Regx48 bit[29] ) is clear
then these bits will be zero
IO base upper 16 bits
IO Limit Upper 16 bits- RW - 16 bits - [PCI_Reg: 32h]
Field Name Bits Default Description
IOLimit Upper 15:0 0000h Top 16 bits of the upper limit of 32-bit IO transactions.
If the IO address decode mode bit (Regx48 bit[29] ) is clear
then these bits will be zero