NetLinx Security with a Terminal Connection
118 NI-3101-SIG Signature Series NetLinx Integrated Controller
Initial Setup via a Terminal Connection
Security administration and configuration is done via a Terminal communication through the RS232/
USB Configuration Port on the NetLinx Master. If connecting to the target Master via the TCP/IP
(Winsock) option, some command sets (such as the security setup) will not be available. If a valid IP
connection method has been made to the Master, making changes to the parameters via the browser-
based UI pages is highly recommended.

Establishing a Terminal connection via the RS-232/USB Configuration Port

1. Launch the HyperTerminal application from its’ default location (Start > Programs > Accessories
> Communications).
2. Apply power to the NetLinx Master and allow it to boot up.
3. Connect the USB port from your computer to the USB connector on the NetLinx Master.
4. Enter any text into the Name field of the HyperTerminal Connection Description dialog window and
click OK when done.
5. From the Connect Using field, click the down-arrow and select the PC COM port being used for
communication by the target Master and click OK when done.
6. From the Bits per second field, click the down-arrow and select the baud rate being used by the
target Master.
Configure the remaining communication parameters as follows: Data Bits: 8,
Parity: None, Stop bits: 1, and Flow control: None (default is Hardware).
Click OK to complete the communication parameters and open a new Terminal window.
7. Type echo on to view the characters while entering commands. If that does not work, press the
Enter key on your keyboard.
Accessing the Security configuration options
1. In the Terminal session, type help security to view the available security commands. Here is a
listing of the security help:
---- These commands apply to the Security Manager and Database ----
logout Logout and close secure session
setup security Access the security setup menus
Although these procedures are written for a Terminal connection, a user can also
connect to a Master via a Telnet connection. Do this by going to Start > Run, enter
cmd within the Run dialog’s Open field and click OK. Then from within the CMD
command prompt use the IP Address info to type >telnet XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX
It is very important that a user properly execute the 'logout' command prior to
disconnecting from a Master. Simply removing the USB connector from the
Configuration Port maintains a logged-in status until either a return to logout
via a new session or reboot of the target Master.
The 'help security' and 'setup security' functions are only available via a direct
RS232/USB connection. They are not available under telnet (such as via a TCP/IP
(Winsock) connection).