Configuration and Firmware Update
NI-3101-SIG Signature Series NetLinx Integrated Controller
7. Set the COM port parameters for the selected COM port used for communication to the NetLinx
Master. Default parameters are:
8 Data Bits
No Parity
1 Stop Bit
No Flow Control
If communication fails on a known COM port, change the baud rate to 115200 and try again.
8. Click OK three times to close the open dialogs and save the chosen settings.
Setting the System Value
1. Access/open the Device Addressing dialog (FIG.16) b y either one of these two methods:
Right-click on any System item listed (such as the NI Master entry) in the OnLine Tree tab of
the Workspace and select Device Addressing (from the popup list).
Select Diagnostics > Device Addressing from the Main menu.
No authentication username or password information is required when selecting a
direct connection such as USB or Serial.
If the connection fails to establish, select a different COM port, press the Retry button
to reconnect using the same communication parameters, or press the Change button
to alter your communication parameters and repeat steps 2 thru 8.
This process should be done while communicating to the Master via a Serial
FIG. 16 Device Addressing tab (changing the system value)
System Address
(default for initial
system is 1)
Check-Off to
verify change