NetLinx Security within the Web Server
NI-3101-SIG Signature Series NetLinx Integrated Controller
4. Click on the desired access parameters and configuration checkboxes necessary to require user
validation prior to usage.
Enabling the Terminal, HTTP, and Telnet Access options require that a valid username and
password be entered prior to gaining access to the desired action. If the HTTP Access option
is enabled, upon the initial connection to the Master (via the web browser) the Login
page appears and requires a valid username and password be entered before allowing
access to the web server pages.
Enabling the Configuration option requires that the user be logged in and their rights validated
before allowing any modification to the current Master security configuration and
communication parameters. If the Configuration option is enabled and the user wants to
modify the Master’s IP Address; they would either be prompted to log in (via the Login
button) or if already logged in, notified whether their rights are sufficient to allow them
to change the current parameter.
The ICSP Connectivity option is required to allow authenticated and/or secure
communication between the Master and other AMX hardware/software. To establish an
authenticated ICSP connection (where the external AMX hardware/software would have to
provide a valid username and password). This option must be enabled (checked).
5. Click on the checkbox next to Require Encryption to enable the requirement of data encryption
over the ICSP connection. Note that this is optional and if enabled, requires more processor cycles
to maintain.
6. Click the Update button to accept and save any changes on this page back to the Master. Updating
these changes is instantaneous and does not require a reboot. Successful incorporation of the
changes to the Master’s security configurations results in an on-screen message stating: "Security is
enabled when it is checked".
FIG. 36 System Level Security - Enable/Disable System Security page with selections
NetLinx Master
security features
Require Encryption
option (enable/disable)
Security Level features
A Group represents a logical collection of individual users. Any properties possessed
by a group (ex: access rights, directory associations, etc.) are inherited by all
members of that group.
The "administrator" group account cannot be deleted or modified.