NetLinx Security within the Web Server
90 NI-3101-SIG Signature Series NetLinx Integrated Controller
5. Click the Update button to save this new value to the device. The following message; "Device
number changed to XXX. Device must be rebooted for the change to take effect.", reminds the user
that the Master must first be rebooted before the new settings take effect.
Device Menu - Controlling or Emulating a device
Refer to the procedures outlined within theSystem Menu - Controlling/Emulating Devices on the
Mastersection on page 67 for more information.
Device Menu - Viewing the Log
1. Click on the System Settings > Manage System link from within the System Settings section of
the Navigation frame.
2. Click on a violet Device icon from within the Online Tree to open the Device menu buttons within
the right frame.
3. Click the Log button (FIG.56). This dialog allows the user to view the log for the selected device
(currently only the Master supports this feature).
4. Click the Refresh button to update the information on-screen.
Device Menu - Running a Diagnostic Filter
Refer to the procedures outlined within theManage System - Diagnosticssection on page 70 for more
FIG. 56 Log dialog