NetLinx Security within the Web Server
NI-3101-SIG Signature Series NetLinx Integrated Controller
9. Click the Back button to return to the Manage User page.
Modifying the properties of an existing User
1. Click the User Level link (from within the Security section of the Navigation frame) to open the
Manage Users page.
2. Click the Select button next to the selected User’s name to open the Configure User Properties page
for the particular user (FIG.39).
3. From within the User Security Details section, modify any previously configured access rights by
either placing or removing a checkmark from within any of the available checkboxes (FIG.39).
4. From within the User Directory Associations section, place or remove any checkmarks next to the
available directories to modify an authorized user’s directory access rights. Removing a checkmark
from any folder prohibits that user from accessing any files contained therein via the Web Server.
5. Enter the same password for the user into both the Passw ord and Password Confirm fields, if you
want to change the password. Leaving this field blank retains the current or previous password.
A user password is a valid character string (4 - 20 alpha-numeric characters) that is used to
supplement the Username/ID in defining the potential client. The string is case sensitive.
6. Click the Update button to save your changes to the target Master. If there are no errors with the
modification of any of this page’s parameters, a “User updated successfully” is displayed at the top
of the page.
7. Click the Back button to return to the Manage Users page.
The fields displayed when modifying users are the same as those available when
adding a new user, except for the pre-populated User Name field.
FIG. 39 User Level Security - Modifying a User’s Security rights
Group Rights are
read-only and display the
previously configured
rights assigned to the
associated group