140 NI-3101-SIG Signature Series NetLinx Integrated Controller

Device:Port:System (D:P:S)

A device is any hardware component that can be connected to an AXlink or ICSNet bus. Each device
must be assigned a unique number to locate that device on the bus. The NetLinx programming language
allows numbers in the range 1-32,767 for ICSNet (255 for AXlink).
NetLinx requires a Device:Port:System (D:P:S) specification. This D:P:S triplet can be expressed as a
series of constants, variables separated by colons, or a DEV structure.
For example:
INTEGER Number // Device number
INTEGER Port // Port on device
INTEGER System // System the device belongs to
The D:P:S notation is used to explicitly represent a device number, port and system. For example,
128:1:0 represents the first port on device 128 on this system. If the system and Port specifications are
omitted, (e.g. 128), system 0 (indicating this system) and port 1 (the first port) is assumed. Here's the
Configuration Port Commands
The Configuration Port commands listed in the following table can be sent directly to the Master Card
using a terminal program (i.e. Telnet). Be sure that your PC's COM port and terminal program's
communication settings match those in the table below:
Each of the NetLinx Integrated Controllers has specific port assignments:
NUMBER: 16-bit integer represents the device number
PORT: 16-bit integer represents the port number (in the range 1 through the number of
ports on the Controller or device)
SYSTEM: 16-bit integer represents the system number (0 = this system)
PC COM Port Communication Settings
Baud 115200 (default)
Parity None
Data Bits 8
Stop Bits 1
Flow Control None
NI-2x00 Port Assignments NI-4x00 & NI-3x00) Port Assignments
Serial Ports 1 - 3 Serial Ports 1 - 7
Relays Port 4 Relays Port 8
IR Ports 5 -8 IR Ports 9 -16
I/Os Port 9 I/Os Port 17
Count 4 relays and 4 I/O's Count 8 relays and 8 I/O's