Configuration and Firmware Update
NI-3101-SIG Signature Series NetLinx Integrated Controller
12. Press the User Name and Password button to open the Master Controller User Name and
Passw ord dialog box (FIG. 25). Within this dialog, enter a previously configured username and
password (with sufficient rights) before attempting to connect to the Master.
13. Click OK to save the newly entered information and return to the previous Communication Settings
dialog box. Click OK again to begin the communication process to the Master.
14. Click Yes to interrupt the current communication from the Master and apply the new settings.
15. Click Reboot from the Tools > Reboot the Master Controller dialog and wait for the System
Master to reboot. The STATUS and OUTPUT LEDs should begin to alternately blink during the
incorporation. Wait until the STATUS LED is the only LED to blink.
16. Press Done once until the Master Reboot Status field reads *Reboot of System Complete*.
17. Click the OnLine Tree tab in the Workspace window to view the devices on the System. The default
System value is one (1).
18. Right-click the associated System number and select Refresh System. This establishes a new
connection to the specified System and populates the list with devices on that system. The
communication method is then highlighted in green on the bottom of the NetLinx Studio window.
FIG. 25 Master Controller User Name and Password dialog box
If currently connected to the assigned Master, a popup asks about temporarily
stopping communication to the Master and applying the new settings.
If the connection fails to establish, a Connection Failed dialog appears. Try selecting
a different IP Address if communication fails. Press the Retry button to reconnect
using the same communication parameters. Press the Change button to alter the
communication parameters and repeat steps 4 thru 18.