NI-3101-SIG Signature Series NetLinx Integrated Controller
Configuration Port Commands (Cont.)
Command Description
SET LOG COUNT Sets the number of entries allowed in the message log.
Current log count = 1000
Enter new log count (between 50-10000) :
Once you enter a value and press the ENTER key, you get the following
Setting log count to
New log count set, reboot the Master for the change to
take affect.
SET QUEUE SIZE Provides the capability to modify maximum message queue sizes for vari-
ous threads.
set queue size
This will set the maximum message queue sizes for several threads.
Use caution when adjusting these values.
Set Queue Size Menu:
1. Interpreter (factory default=2000, currently=600)
2. Notification Manager (factory default=2000, currently=200)
3. Connection Manager (factory default=2000, currently=500)
4. Route Manager (factory default=400, currently=200)
5. Device Manager (factory default=500, currently=500)
6. Diagnostic Manager (factory default=500, currently=500)
7. TCP Transmit Threads (factory default=600, currently=200)
8. IP Connection Manager (factory default=800, currently=500)
9. Message Dispatcher (factory default=1000, currently=500)
10. Axlink Transmit (factory default=800, currently=200)
11. PhastLink Transmit (factory default=500, currently=500)
12. ICSNet Transmit (factory default=500, currently=500)
13. ICSP 232 Transmit (factory default=500, currently=500)
14. UDP Transmit (factory default=500, currently=500)
15. NI Device (factory default=500, currently=500)
Enter choice or press ESC.
SET SSH PORT Sets the IP port listened to for SSH connections.
Current SSH port number = 22
Enter new SSH port number (Usually 22) (0=disable SSH) :
Once you enter a value and press the ENTER key, you get the following
Setting SSH port number to 22
New SSH port number set, reboot the Master for the change to
take affect.
SET TELNET PORT Sets the IP port listened to for Telnet connections.
Current telnet port number = 23
Enter new telnet port number (Usually 23) (0=disable Telnet) :
Once you enter a value and press the ENTER key, you get the following
Setting telnet port number to 23
New telnet port number set, reboot the Master for the
change to take affect.