Connections and Wiring
14 NI-3101-SIG Signature Series NetLinx Integrated Controller
Using the 4-pin mini-Phoenix connector for data with external power
To use the 4-pin 3.5 mm mini-Phoenix (female) captive-wire connector for data communication and
power transfer, the incoming PWR and GND cable from the 12 VDC-compliant power supply must be
connected to the AXlink cable connector going to the device (FIG. 6). Always use a local power supply
to power the device.
Make sure to connect only the GND wire on the AXlink/PWR connector when using a separate
12 VDC power supply. Do not connect the PWR wire to the AXlink connector’s PWR (+) opening.
FIG. 6 4-pin mini-Phoenix connector wiring diagram (using external power source)
PWR (+)
GND (-)
Local +12 VDC
(coming from
To the Integrated Controller’s To the external AXlink device
AXlink/PWR connector
power supply
an external
power supply)
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Top view
When you connect an external power supply, do not connect the wire from the PWR
terminal (coming from the external device) to the PWR terminal on the Phoenix
connector attached to the Controller unit. Make sure to connect only the AXM, AXP,
and GND wires to the Controller’s Phoenix connector when using an external power