Reviewing the basics
The following illustration summarizes many of the basic skills and terms you
The strip across the top of the screen is called the menu bar. The symbols and words in it represent menus of commands.
Icons are small pictures that represent disks, folders, programs, and documents. To open an icon,
learned from the tutorial.
To move a window, drag it by the title bar.
To find an answer to a question, look in the
Guide (h) menu.
You can have several application programs open at once. To see which program is active or to switch from one program to another, use this menu (called the Application menu).
This icon represents the startup hard disk (usually the computer’s internal hard disk)
Windows are boxes that display text, graphics, or icons. To bring a partially covered window to the front, click anywhere in the window.
To close a window, click the close box.
To bring hidden portions of a window’s contents into view, click the scroll arrows.
To change the size or shape of a window, drag the size box.
To throw away an item you no longer want, drag it to the Trash and choose Empty Trash from the Special menu.
The Control Strip gives you a quick and easy way to monitor and update your PowerBook’s power management options. For instructions on using the Control Strip, see the “Batteries & Power” topic of Macintosh Guide, available in the Guide (h)menu.
18Chapter 1