The computer starts up, but the desktop (or Floppy Disk Maker screen) doesn’t appear.
mThe screen brightness may be turned down. Adjust the brightness control (¤) and contrast control (O), located to the right of the display.
mThe computer may be trying to start up using an external hard disk that does not contain the correct version of system software. Disconnect the external hard disk and restart your computer.
mStart the computer, holding down the Shift key until you see the message “Extensions off” in the Welcome to Macintosh box. If the computer starts up, turn to “Checking Your System Software Extensions” in Chapter 8 and try the steps given.
mIf you see the following icon on the screen, your PowerBook is in SCSI disk mode. See “Quitting SCSI Disk Mode” in the section “Connecting SCSI Devices” in Chapter 4 for more information.
mThere may be a problem with the display of windows. Restart the computer and hold down the Option key until the desktop icons appear. (When the desktop appears, all windows will be closed.)
When I start up the computer, I keep seeing a message about making floppy disks.
mThe Floppy Disk Maker screen will appear every time you start up your computer until you make at least a minimum set of disks. It is very important that you make a minimum set in case you ever need to reinstall system software. If you still want to stop the Floppy Disk Maker screen from appearing without making at least a minimum set, you can remove the Floppy Disk Maker alias from the Startup Items folder (in the System Folder).
When I start up the computer, I see a message about the system software.
mThe system software on the startup disk you’re using may be incomplete or damaged, or may be the wrong version. Make sure you’re using the correct disk as a startup disk.
mIf you’re sure you’re using the correct startup disk, you may need to reinstall system software. See “Reinstalling System Software” in Chapter 8.