Apple 190 series manual Using expansion bay modules, Removing an expansion bay module

Models: 190 series

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Read this chapter for information on

using expansion bay modules

and PC Cards.

3 Using Expansion Bay Modules and PC Cards

Using expansion bay modules

The floppy disk drive in your Macintosh PowerBook is a removable module, which you can easily switch with other types of removable modules. The place in your computer where modules go is called the expansion bay. All expansion bay modules are inserted and removed in the same way.

You should not remove an expansion bay module if there is a floppy disk (or other storage medium) inserted and in use or you may lose data. When the small green in-use light on the side of the module lights up, the floppy disk (or other medium) inserted in the module is in use. Before removing the module, you must first close any files and quit any programs using the floppy disk, then drag the disk to the Trash or choose Put Away from the File menu.

Removing an expansion bay module

To remove an expansion bay module from your Macintosh PowerBook, follow these steps:

1Close any files and quit any application programs or files that are using the floppy disk (or other medium), if any is inserted.

Remember to save your work.


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Apple 190 series manual Using expansion bay modules, Removing an expansion bay module, Remember to save your work