Apple 190 series manual Problems turning your computer on?

Models: 190 series

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4Turn to the “Learning the Basics” section later in this chapter.

5Turn to “Making Software Disks,” later in this chapter, as soon as you are done learning the basics.

It is very important that you make your floppy disks as soon as you are done with the first part of the Macintosh Tutorial.

Problems turning your computer on?

mNothing happened when you pressed the Power key.

The battery may be drained. Make sure you plugged in the power adapter, and that the power adapter is firmly connected to both the computer and a power source. If the power adapter is plugged into a power strip, make sure the power strip is plugged in and turned on. Then try pressing the

key again.

If the computer still doesn’t turn on, see “Problems Starting Up the Computer” in Chapter 7.

mThe computer made a sound, but you can’t see anything on the screen.

Adjust the brightness control (marked with the icon ¤) and contrast control (O) until an image appears and the screen is easy to read.

¤ Brightness control

O Contrast control

8Chapter 1

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Apple 190 series manual Problems turning your computer on?