VLAN Management
Other VLAN Features in IntraCore 8000
GVLAN management security
GVLAN MAC address insertion and removal
GConsole UI management of VLANs
GWeb interface management of VLANs
The management operations allowed are:
GName configuration
GVID change configuration
GAdding and deleting port members
GAdding and deleting untagged sets
GSharing and unsharing VLANs
GInserting and removing MAC addresses
GToggling management access
Overview of VLANs
This section describes the concepts needed to configure and manage VLANs on IntraCore switches.
Benefits of VLAN Management
Unnecessary flooded traffic wastes bandwidth on a LAN, potentially clogging the network. Flooded traffic is traffic that is sent to all ports on the switch because the destination is a broadcast or multicast address, or because the location of the destination is unknown.
Traditional layer 2 bridges and switches attempt to limit unnecessary flooded traffic by learning the addresses of stations on the switch. But as traffic expands rapidly on today’s networks, bandwidth wastage from layer 2 flooding can easily become a network bottleneck.
The traditional solution to the problem of broadcast flooding is to use a layer 3 device like a router. The