Chapter 20
Table 20-11. OSPF Area Parameters (Continued)
Field | Description |
Area Border Routers | The total number of Area Border Routers |
Count | reachable within this area. This number is |
| initially zero and is calculated in each OSPF |
| pass. |
AS Border Routers | The total number of Autonomous System |
Count | border routers reachable within this area. This |
| number is initially zero and is calculated with |
| each SPF pass. |
Area LSAs Count | The number of |
| |
Area LS Checksum | The sum of LS checksums of LS advertisements |
Summary | contained in the LS database. Use this sum to |
| determine if there has been a change in a |
| router's LS database, and to compare the LS |
| database of two routers. |
You can modify OSPF Area parameters.
OSPF Link State Database
To display the OSPF Link State Database, select IP Route > OSPF >
OSPF Link State Database. The OSPF Link State Database window opens.
Figure 20-14. OSPF Link State Database Window
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