2.048Mbps Wireless Modem
Message: RLOS (framer un-synchronized)
Description: In Fractional T1 applications, the wireless modem was unsuccessful in synchronizing with the end equipment.
Correction: Check the cable that connects the end equipment to the modem. Check that parameters of the modem and end equipment match each other (e.g. framing method and line coding).
Radio Alarms
Message: WARNING: RSSI (based on channel tracer) more than maximum allowed power
Description: The radio receives too much power from one or more channels.
Correction: Use a lower gain receive antenna or a low power setting or a lower gain transmit antenna on the transmitter at the opposite end.
Message: WARNING: RSSI (based on channel tracer) below reception threshold
Description: The radio does not receive enough power on one or more channels.
Correction: Use a higher gain receive antenna, use a higher gain transmit antenna or a Transmit Power Amplifier at the opposite end, or reduce losses in the RF cables.
Message: WARNING: RSSI (based on channel tracer) indicates fade margin less than 10dB
Description: There is less than 10dB fade margin on the power received by the radio on one or more channels. Correction: Use a higher gain receive antenna, use a higher gain transmit antenna or a Transmit Power Amplifier at the opposite end, or reduce losses in the RF cables.
Message: WARNING: Modem rate too low for RADIO BUFFER ERROR RATE (based on counters)
Description: The difference between the modem rate and the LIU rate is too small to allow the ARQ error correction protocol to correct all the errors.
Correction: Increase the modem rate, decrease the LIU rate or improve the error rate on the radio by improving the quality of the RF link.
TECHNICAL: 0118 931 2233