7C0x SmartSwitch MIB Structure
depending on which functionality the device has been configured to use. To see which MIB components are currently being used in your 7C0x SmartSwitch, bring up the Community Names application, or use any SNMP Get operation that will allow you to view the contents of the contLogicalEntryTable.
The 7C0x SmartSwitch MIB consists of the following components:
Chassis MGR
The Chassis MGR MIB component contains most of the basic information about the 7X00 SmartSwitch Controller module, the chassis it is controlling, and the other modules installed in that chassis, including: chassis type, backplane type, number of slots, which module types and names are installed in which slots, the 7C0x’s MIB component information (in the contLogicalEntryTable), device and module names, hardware revision numbers, MAC and IP addresses, the current time and date, and information related to connected uninterruptable power supplies and TFTP download. The system, interfaces, at, ip, icmp, udp, and snmp groups from
The ATM_MIB component contains the objects that provide the ATM NIM’s uplink port with its network functionality.
Transparent Bridge
The Transparent Bridge MIB component — instantiated only when the 7C0x has been configured (currently via Local Management) to operate in traditional bridging mode — controls all of the 7C0x’s transparent bridging functions, including bridge port description and status, bridging statistics (frames forwarded, frames blocked, etc.), and bridge configuration information.
Since there are currently no Token Ring NIMs available for the 7C0x SmartSwitch chassis, no source route bridging functions are supported at this time.
IP Services
Like the Host Services MIB component, the IP Services MIB component contains some objects related to basic IP functionality.
7C0x SmartSwitch MIB Structure |