Using the 7C0x SmartSwitch Bridge View
The Ageing Time determines how long a Forwarding entry (or a Static entry with deleteOnTimeout status) is retained before being discarded due to inactivity. Use the Change Ageing Time button to set a new Ageing Time; see the following section for details.
Use the Find button to search the Filtering Database for a specific MAC address; see Finding a Filtering Database MAC Address, page
The Filtering Database window shows a snapshot of the database. Clicking mouse button 1 on the Update button displays the current database.
Changing the Filtering Database Dynamic Ageing Time
The Dynamic Ageing Time determines how long an entry remains in the Filtering Database before being purged due to inactivity. Purging older entries ensures that the Filtering Database is always using current information to make filter/forward decisions.
During a topology change, the Forward Delay is used as the Filtering Database Ageing Time, which ensures that the Filtering Database will contain current topology information.
To change the Dynamic Ageing Time:
1.In the Filtering Database window, click mouse button 1 on the Change Ageing Time button to open the Change Ageing Time window.
As you change the ageing time, SPMA converts seconds to days:hours:minutes:seconds.
2.Highlight and edit the Ageing Time (in seconds), and then click mouse button 1 on the Apply button.
Use mouse button 1 to drag the slide bar, then click Apply.
Click mouse button 1 next to the slide to increment the time in 100 second jumps, then click Apply.
Figure 6-8. Changing the Filtering Database Ageing Time
The Filtering Database Window |